Changing The Lens on African American Boys

Film and Media Studies, Film Screening Classroom
Healey Family Student Center 156
Food and refreshments provided
RSVP here

The Prisons and Justice Initiative is honored to co-host a special event featuring two new films from the award winning TEACHED series produced and directed by Kelly Amis. Co-hosted by Georgetown’s Film and Media Studies Program and Loudspeaker Films and sponsored by CityBridge Foundation and the Moriah Fund, this event will examine the lenses through which society views African American boys and the role we all have to play in changing them.
Featured speakers will include:

Marc Howard, Professor of Government and Law; Director of Georgetown’s Prisons and Justice Initiative

Kelly Amis, Founder and President of Loudspeaker Films

Bernard Cook, Director of Georgetown’s Film and Media Studies; Associate Dean

Brandon Johns, Founder and President of M.A.N.U.P. mentoring program, former Congressional Judiciary Committee Staff
Calvin Davis, Carlet Harris and Armonta’e Harris Family, featured in short documentary film “Think of Calvin”